
dqc.edipole(qc: dqc.qccalc.base_qccalc.BaseQCCalc, unit: Optional[str] = 'Debye') → torch.Tensor[source]

Returns the electric dipole moment of the system, i.e. negative derivative of energy w.r.t. electric field. The dipole is pointing from negative to positive charge.

  • qc (BaseQCCalc) – The qc calc object that has been executed.

  • unit (str or None) – The returned dipole unit. If None, returns in atomic unit.


Tensor representing the dipole moment in atomic unit with shape (ndim,)

Return type



import torch
import dqc

dtype = torch.float64
moldesc = "O 0 0 0.2156; H 0 1.4749 -0.8625; H 0 -1.4749 -0.8625"  # in Bohr
efield = torch.zeros(3, dtype=dtype).requires_grad_()  # efield must be specified
mol = dqc.Mol(moldesc=moldesc, basis="3-21G", dtype=dtype, efield=(efield,))
qc = dqc.HF(mol).run()
dip_moment = dqc.edipole(qc, unit="debye")